We returned to Trillium Lake for sunrise this morning, but we ran into the same problem as last night; no clouds. Although sunny, the light was drab and we didn't get anything special.

When we arrived, the bald eagle was in his normal nesting tree. Since Mt. Hood wasn't lit yet, I decided to wait to try to photograph him. When I looked up a short time later, he was gone. After we realized the sunrise shots weren't going to work, we hiked over to the eagle's area and tried to find him. As we were walking back to the car, I took one last look...and there he was! He had moved down the lake and was sitting in the top of a tree. He was a long ways off, but at least we had long lenses and could try to get a shot of him. After shooting from a distance, we decided to try to hike down the trail along the lake to get a closer view. We hiked all over the area, but could never find him. When we hiked back out onto the dam, he hadn't moved. We would have to settle for the shots we had from a distance.

We packed everything up and drove to the Premiere RV Resort in Lincoln City on the Oregon coast. It was quickly obvious that the city was going to be very crowded this weekend. We were in a traffic jam before we even reached town.
The Premiere RV Resort is right in town on Highway 101, so we are close to everything. We got settled and took a quick drive south to Boiler Bay State Park and Cape Foulweather. It was cloudy and overcast, but we got an idea where everything was.