Benham Falls
We started our day with an easy hike to Benham Falls, just south of Bend. It is one of the very few trails we've hiked that was also open to bikes. That meant the trail was wide and generally very level. The Deschutes River meandered through a tree-lined channel as we began the hike. A lava field across the river provided a reminder of the origin of this area.

The power of the river was obvious in the deep currents, but there was no hint of what was coming in the next mile. We followed the trail for about 3/4 of-a-mile before we began hearing the sounds of the rapids ahead. A side trail dropped down along the river to provide close-up views of Benham Falls from river level. Benham Falls is more of a large cascade than a falls. With the high water levels this year, it was still very impressive--and loud.
The trail climbed a small ridge and then switchbacked down to the main viewing area above the falls. Although the viewpoint looked up the chute that funneled the Deschutes into the falls, I preferred the power and chaos of the river in the previous view at the river's edge.
On our way back to camp, we wanted to stop at a grocery store and Costco in Bend, so we wouldn't have to take away from spending time with Matt, Jackie, and the twins while we are in Portland. As we were looking for the stores, we discovered Baldy's BBQ. That was a great find.
After lunch, we hit Costco and then Safeway to stock up for the second half of the trip. Then, it was back to camp to begin developing today's images.