Ruby Beach
The weather didn't look any more promising today, but we didn't want to spend another day in camp. We decided to check out Ruby Beach, which is one of the most popular beaches in the area. It was hazy and overcast, but it was obvious that Ruby Beach had a huge potential for great photographs. It wouldn't be today, but it was still a nice day to walk along the beach. Today, still had negative tides, so the beach extended well beyond the normal surf line. The sea stacks scattered around the beach were the stars of the show, even in today's lighting conditions. I'd love to return to Ruby Beach on a clear day at sunset, but it doesn't look like that will happen on this trip.
We continued south to Beach 4 in the Kalaloch area, but it was a complete dud. The only cool thing was the bridge that was constructed out of drift wood.
We continued south toward Quinalt but eventually gave up and returned to camp. The campground was completely fogged in again, and it was obvious we would go another day without a sunset.