I decided to take a vacation week since we're getting laid off at the end of August. I don't want to waste vacation by taking a week and doing yard work. This is my favorite part of the Oregon coast, so I'm hoping the weather will cooperate. Today, it isn't.
With the overcast skies, we decided to sleep in and then drive to Newport. We looked around at the shops in the Historic Bayfront area and tried to find a place to eat. We didn't find anything there, so we drove south to Yachats to eat at the Drift Inn. It was recommended by the campground owners, so we decided to try it. The food was good, but there was no chance for conversation. The live music took care of that. It wasn't that they were bad. They weren't. They thought it was a concert and didn't get the concept of background music.
On the way to Newport, we stopped at Seal Rock State Beach.
Our photo guide said it was a good place for tide pooling, so we checked it out. The lighting was horrible and
the tide was in, but Seal Rock warrants another stop in better light. There are sea stacks on both sides of the point,
so we cold look north or south to photograph them. Even at low tide, the waves were pounding the off-shore rocks.