Another day of overcast skies and fog made it easier to leave our campsite on the beach and move toward Mt. Rainier. Five miles after we left our campsite, we were driving under blue skies and sunny conditions. It was a gorgeous day everywhere but right along the coast.
We only had 200 miles to drive today, but most of it was park roads or winding roads with slower speed limits. I anticipated a slow drive, but I didn't expect it would take almost six hours. That included a stop to buy groceries and another to buy fuel for the motorhome, but it was still a lot of slow driving. The good news was that we found a Shell station with the cheapest gas of the trip.
We found the turnoff and wound our way down to Harmony Lakeside RV.
It's a relatively small RV Park on a terrace above Mayfield Lake. It's nicely maintained, and we didn't have the feeling
that we're camping right on top of our neighbor. It seems like a very "laid back" campground where families come
back year-after-year. A family with teen-age sons was checking in when we arrived. When they first started coming here, the boys were too short to see over the counter.
We enjoyed another relaxing evening and our meatloaf dinner. We've finally had a couple of evenings to start processing all the images from the trip. I've taken about 14,000 images so far and have processed fewer than 100. I have a lot of processing to do!