2014 Washington Trip

Sunday, August 17


Matt and Jackie saw us off this morning as we headed south toward home. We only had a 170-mile hop, but the two passes and road construction turned it into a 4-hour drive.

As soon as we dropped out of the mountains south of Ashland, the heat hit us. I don't think it ever hit 100, but it was always in the mid-90's. I added some anti-freeze to the motorhome this morning in anticipation of a very warm drive. Even with the A/C on and the mountain passes, we had no problems.

When we arrived at the Durango RV Resort, we quickly hooked everything up and turned on both air conditioners. It was HOT! The guy who escorted us to our site said it was much cooler today. It had been 112 last week. Who lives in a place where it's 112? Yikes!

Today was a cleaning and packing day. Since we are staying at the Best Western in Tulare tomorrow night, we have to get everything packed up and out of drawers and cabinets today. I'm already on my third dirty-clothes bag. It would be so much easier if we could park the motorhome at home, extend the slides, and unpack there. Oh, well. At least we have air conditioning here.

It's supposed to be 100 in Tulare, so we have another very warm day ahead tomorrow.