Carol Returns to San Diego
Carol's flight back to California left at 12:30, so we had a leisurely breakfast and made the 40-mile drive to the Durango-La Plata Airport in Colorado. It is on a plateau out in the middle of nowhere. From the south, you take a tiny country road to reach the airport. It had a small, single terminal for the two airlines it services. It was kind of interesting.
Carol had an uneventful flight through Phoenix to San Diego and arrived about 3:30. I drove home from the airport through a beautiful valley along the Animas River. The ranches had lush green pastures and were often bounded on one side by cliffs of Navajo sandstone. There were some gorgeous ranches along the highway. On my way home, I drove through the little town of Aztec, New Mexico. The sign entering town read, "Welcome to Aztec, the home to 6,800 friendly people and 6 old soreheads." I hope that was tongue-in-cheek.
Just after passing through Aztec, I was hit by a rain squall that lasted about 10 minutes. It was moving west, so I kept that in mind as I made my afternoon plans. When I got back to the motorhome, I ate lunch and worked on images for a couple of hours to see what the weather would do. I thought about driving back to Bisti about 1:30, but the sky looked very threatening to the southeast. By 3:30, it was pouring in Farmington. I was VERY glad I hadn't driven out to Bisti. I would have been 2 miles from the Explorer about the time the storm hit. Pouring rain and lightening in a badlands area where trees don't grow could be hazardous to your health.
I continued to watch movies and work on images the rest of the day. It basically rained most of the afternoon and evening. It's supposed to rain tomorrow also, so it will probably be another indoor day.