2009 New England Trip

Wednesday, October 14


Sunshine, wind, and cold. That's how the day began. Our first chore was to melt the frost from our windshield. It was only 36 degrees when we left the cottage.

Bubble Pond

Our first stop was Bubble PondGoogle Earth View (See image to left) where we hoped we would get good reflections of the red maples that surround the lake. Last time we were here, our best photos came from Bubble Pond. We didn't fare so well this morning. Many of the trees had already lost their leaves and only a small portion of the pond was still enough for reflections. There were lots of photographers, but that didn't improve the conditions.

Our second stop was Jordan Pond,Google Earth View one of the main attractions of Acadia. The classic shot is down the length of Jordan Pond toward the Bubbles. We were hoping for still waters and good reflections. We got cold wind and white caps. It was brutally cold as the wind blew right down the lake and into our faces.

Acadia is famous for the carriage roads and bridges designed by Rockefeller. Today, was our day to photograph our favorite granite carriage bridges. The first was at the outlet stream for Jordan Pond. The second was Cobblestone Bridge about 1/2 mile down the hill on Jordan Stream. It took us 2 hours to walk the 1/2 mile to the bridge. Every turn in the stream provided new opportunities to shoot. The stream continued to cascade over and around the granite boulders as it flowed down the hill beside the carriage road. Jordan Stream seemed to be a bass singer. It was deeper than many of the other streams we've photographed, and it's tune reflected the difference.

Jordan Stream Jordan Stream Jordan Stream
Jordan Stream Jordan Stream Jordan Stream

We finally reached Cobblestone Bridge and found some good shooting spots. It's one of the longer bridges and is pretty impressive. I can see why there's only one bridge made of cobblestones here. They must have scoured the stream for miles to find enough cobblestones. There weren't enough left on the island to build another one.

Starvation was bearing down on both of us, so we hiked back up the carriage road to the car and our delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We are such gourmets on our trips. Our lunch stop also gave us the chance to shoot the Jordan Pond Carriage HouseGoogle Earth View and Gate House.

Cobblestone Bridge Carriage House
Cobblestone Bridge Carriage House

Our final stop was supposed to be Duck Brook Bridge, but we couldn't find the road to get to it. In frustration, we gave up and returned to our cabin. Without question, Acadia has the worst signage in the entire parks system.

We got cleaned up for dinner and headed off for the lobster pound. That's Maine talk for a very informal place (usually picnic tables and outdoor dining) where they serve lobster. And I mean just lobster. They have very few other items on the menu and your sides are extremely limited. But people go to the lobster pounds to eat lobster; lots of lobster. They aren't there for a fancy meal. We did ourselves proud as we each had lobsters over two pounds.